Wheel Woolies 18" Calliper & Spoke Wheel Woolie Large
This is by far the safest, most effective way to clean vehicles wheels we have ever seen. Most wheel brushes do an excellent job at cleaning the outside surfaces of the wheel but do not allow the user to get into the small holes and crevices where the brake dust collects. Twisted wire spoke brushes will reach in but they can really scratch up a wheel if used carelessly. These new wheel brushes combine the best of both worlds. There is no metal in this brush whatsoever. The soft, dense carpet fibres will hold suds to transfer them to the wheel. This is a must-have brush to keep new wheels looking that way. Calliper & Spoke Wheel Woolies uniquely combine an angled (45°) non-scratch flexible handle with an ultra-soft brush head to provide quick and easy access to the back of wheel spokes
Single Large 18" Calliper and Spoke Wheel Woolie (head approximately 2" diameter and 6" long)
Polypropylene fibre heads & flexible polypropylene handles. Guaranteed not to scratch your wheels or paint!
Patented Technology 100 % metal free design. Ideal to use on wheels, badges, engine bay or any other hard to reach area
Easy to clean. Premium Luxury Quality which will last for years.
Simply use them in conjunction with your favourite cleaning products for excellent results!